10 Reasons why married men are attracted to you

• Motivational speaker Sam West has 10 reasons why married men are attracted to you

Repeated offenders
Image: Courtesy

Have you ever been in a position where only married men hit on you?

They might not be your cup of tea but that does not mean they will stop coming after you.

Motivational speaker Sam West has 10 reasons why married men are attracted to you

You are too friendly 

Being too friendly is not your fault as it might be who you are. The problem comes in when some people use this to get into your life and into your pants.

Avoiding the difficult questions

You never ask the tough questions because you either do not want to upset the other person or you are just being naive.

Some married men withhold information and only share what they want to hear.

One way to be sure if someone is outrightly asking a man if he is married is to do your due diligence

You are emotionally detached 

If you are not clingy and insecure, you are exactly what most married men want in a side chick.

Married men do not want a woman who is all over their business.

You are exceptionally beautiful

Beauty is like a magnet, it attracts both the young and the old, married men included.

You are a challenge to them

Men do not love being chased, they love when they work hard to get a woman. How you present yourself might be why men get attracted to you.

They want to prove that they still got their game on point.

Always in the wrong place at the wrong time

These can be in bars and other entertainment joints. Most married men are never in a rush to go home. Once they learn your pattern it becomes easy for them to target you.

You don't keep boundaries

Boundaries can mean not dating married men, a married man can decide to push and see if you might give in.

This can also happen in areas where a married man has more resources than you eg at work.

You are always flirting with married men

Most men do not know how to say no. 


A man can smell desperation from miles away. If you are the type that is constantly asking for favours from men, chances are they might end up between your legs.

You are drawn to them

There are people who are attracted to married men, for them such men represent security, love and affection.

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